Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Swim time!

As I look at this blog, I realize it's just pictures of Ridge at our house! HA! It looks like we just sit around our house all day... but we so don't!! I just totally forget to take the camera (or if I have it, forget to take pictures) when we are out and about. Ridge is actually really used to be taken all over... he's been to the lake twice, the mall a few times, shopping with Mommy and Grand 'C' several times, out to lunch with Mommy a dozen times, spent the night at Grand 'C' and Grandpa Hendrix's many times, spent the night at Papa and BeeBee's, spent the night at Uncle Wade & Aunt Lauren's... We are 'go-ers'... Also, Ridge has been swimming several times. He's been swimming in both grandparents pool, and he loves the water! Here's some pics of him hangin' in his crab float!

New stuff!!

Checking myself out in the mirror... Handsome!
More Tummy Time-

Hanging with mom in the Baby Bjorn carrier!

Watching Baby Einstein... It's for 3-month-olds, but I'm already into it! ;)

Monday, July 20, 2009


Tummy Time! Look at how strong my neck is!!

Just hangin' in my big boy Bumbo chair

Chillaxin' and trying to kick the fishies

Mommy's Little Angel

Hey Daddy!

Gig 'Em!

I love to curl my toes in! It makes it super hard for mommy to trim my toenails! haha!

Friday, July 10, 2009

So big!

Ridge is getting so big & growing so fast before my eyes. I sat him in his Bumbo chair this morning for the first time (while I sat about 2 inches away & held my hands around his head for the first 5 minutes! HA!). He did so good!! He held his head up & tolerated being in the chair almost 10 minutes. I think he really loved it & he interacted with mommy and daddy the whole time. He loves to suck on all things! Including his fist and fingers. This doesn't necessarily mean he's hungry either... he does it all the time!
During tummy time, he does really well to hold his head up, but he's got to be in the right mood for this or forget it! :)
Here's a picture of our cutie-patootie! He is getting to be such a big boy & so handsome! :)

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Too Hot!

Well, the heat is definately getting to us! Ridge had to go see his pediatrician and he has a heat rash. :( He had been cranky for a couple days and was basically not napping at all! He is feeling better today though, thank gosh! Here are some pictures from his 6th week in the world! :)