Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Swim time!

As I look at this blog, I realize it's just pictures of Ridge at our house! HA! It looks like we just sit around our house all day... but we so don't!! I just totally forget to take the camera (or if I have it, forget to take pictures) when we are out and about. Ridge is actually really used to be taken all over... he's been to the lake twice, the mall a few times, shopping with Mommy and Grand 'C' several times, out to lunch with Mommy a dozen times, spent the night at Grand 'C' and Grandpa Hendrix's many times, spent the night at Papa and BeeBee's, spent the night at Uncle Wade & Aunt Lauren's... We are 'go-ers'... Also, Ridge has been swimming several times. He's been swimming in both grandparents pool, and he loves the water! Here's some pics of him hangin' in his crab float!

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