Saturday, September 26, 2009


We are venturing into the worlds of solid foods this week. We started rice cereal Wednesday night & Ridge did great with it. He was swallowing most of it & did not get a tummy ache at all. I was very excited! He is a super happy baby these days. Having a nap schedule has improved his overall happiness I do believe! :)

Friday, September 11, 2009

Mommy = slacker!

I am getting worse & worse at updating Ridge's blog. This going back to work business is for the birds! HA! When I get home I just want to play and hang with Ridgers! He is growing like a little weed! Unofficially, he's about 17 pounds and about 28 inches. We go for his 4-month shots in a couple weeks, so I'll update that. He is rolling over a lot now. He is laughing lots, playing in his exersaucer & we just tried the Johnny Jump-Up last night. He's not sure about that just yet. Here's some pics...

His legs look skinny hanging out of this jumper but they sooo aren't! He has the nickname Thunder thighs already! HA!

He has the prettiest little lips! :)